Jonas Brothers pictures
Concert at Atlantis Resort, Paradise Island, Bahamas - Dec. 2008
My cousin was kind enough to let me use her Jonas Brothers pictures, which she took during a visit to the Atlantis Resort, Bahamas in December, 2008. The musical group consists of three brothers: hence the name.  Here is my cousin, Emily, with the members of the group: Kevin, Nick, and Joe.
I didn’t attend the concert, but it must have been a success because Atlantis booked the group to perform several more times during 2009. 
I asked Emily to write a few sentences about the experience, and this is what she had to say: Well the concert was amazing, and we were front row which made it great. They were cute and talked to the audience a lot.
During the meet and greet they were SO nice, they talked to everyone and gave out hugs they thanked everyone for being there and were really appreciative of the fans which was great. :) Emily and her friends said all three of the brothers were not only kind and polite to all the fans but that they also spent time greeting and taking pictures with everyone without seeming impatient or rushing.
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